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2022/2023 Academic Year: 2nd TERM result is ready for checking. -----Next-----Admission into Various Classes is on @ MERCY SEMINARY BENDE, RUSH NOW AND PICK YOUR FORM FOR YOUR CHILD!-----Next-----

Portal Instruction

1. Gently Scratch of the Silver Coating at the back of your Access Card and found your unique pin under.
2. Enter the Pin at the filed Provided for it below.
3. Enter your Student Registration No. at the field Provided for it
4. Note : If you don't know your Registration No , type the first three or four charater of your name or surname at the Registration No field and wait for some seconds( depending on the speed of the network you are using), a dropdown list of the student name and registration no will appear, find and select your name/regno from it
5. Click Login Button to access your profile and print your Results

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